Category «Desktop Info»

Desktop Info v1.11.0 Released

December 2018 There are two important architectural changes in this release: I’ve moved the data collection code into a thread to allow the gui to be more responsive. This has the side effect of raising the memory footprint slightly. Secondly, I’ve added a background process to collect 64 bit metrics. This is controlled from the …

Desktop Info v1.10.2 Released

November 2018 Change 1: Fixed bug with FIXEDDISK and NETWORKADAPTER spinning out of control under Chinese Windows. Change 2: Continue the Unicode work. Change 3: Added reference English language file. Change 4: Fixed handle leak in ProcessMem, TopProcess and registry routines. Change 5: Fixed bug in bar chart when only one data point is available.

Desktop Info v1.10.1 Released

Version v1.10.1 Change 1: Fixed bug with logo not updating after ini change. Change 2: Fixed bug with not aligning correctly when the ‘bottom’ option is used. Change 3: Fixed contextmenu option not working. Change 4: More work converting internal routines to Unicode. Change 5: I believe I’ve resolved the stability issues. If you leave …

Desktop Info v1.10.0 Released

Version v1.10.0 November 2018 Important changes from v1.8.0 and v1.9.0: In those versions I started moving config options out of the main ini file and into separate language files. I’m not happy with the way that’s working out so I’ve returned to making the desktopinfo.ini file the primary configuration file and the language files will …

Desktop Info v1.90 Released

Version v1.9 ———— October 2018 My primary objective in this release is to rework the raw data infrastructure so that I can store and move all the collected data and have better control over what data is displayed, charted and logged to csv. For now chart data remains pre-selected and the WMI item charts the …

Desktop Info v1.80 Released

Version v1.8 ———— September 2018 This version represents another not insignificant refactor which allows us to do a whole bunch of stuff we couldn’t do previously. You should review the readme.txt, there’s lots of new information there. There may be things I’ve broken that I haven’t discovered yet. Your current ini file will need modifications …

Desktop Info v1.70 Released

Version v1.7 August 2018 (Four years, that’s not so bad is it?) Change 1: Signing with digital code certificate. You can confirm this by right clicking the DesktopInfo.exe, select Properties and the Digital Signatures tab. Change 2: Removed secondary form from Windows task switcher. Change 3: Removed MSN status option. Change 4: Now correctly reads …

Desktop Info

There’s been a regular stream of inquiries over the years about Desktop Info to warrant looking into resurrecting it. The last official release was v1.51 in April 2014. I made available an unofficial version 1.60 in November 2017 which was a compile I did in August 2014 and never released. I was amazed to see …

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