We had a major storm through here recently and we suffered damage to the house roof and ceilings. I just received the quote to repair. I’m hoping that a small fraction of the 80,000 odd people that download SDIO and/or Desktop Info every month won’t mind chipping in a few dollars to help out. Click on the following link to help us keep a roof over our heads, literally!
This is the home of Desktop Info, the real time desktop information display. I am also the current keeper of Snappy Driver Installer Origin, a free and open source Windows driver installation and update tool.

You can support me in various ways:
- Make a one-off or monthly donation via ko-fi
- Use the ko-fi donation button at the bottom of this page
- Donate using paypal
- Buy merch such as these cool coffee mugs at RedBubble
- Buy my music in the form of cds and downloadable mp3s at sales.delahoy.com and ko-fi.
You can hear some of my music here.
By the way, I took that photo through the car window one Winter morning.