Chart LINE2 with ty...
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Chart LINE2 with type LINEAR disappearing on v3.13

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I've noticed since upgrading to v3.13 that some of my charts vanish, usually after the machine has been in sleep mode. See screen shots and code blocks for details.

# page 1 - hardware
COMMENT=interval:0,color:cccccc,font-face:Calibri Bold Italic,font-size:10,style:iw,text:Hardware Status
CPU=interval:2,color:22ccee,chart:line2 scale:linear max:100 series1:1 color1:00ff00 series2:2 color2:bb00bb, \
  alarms:(%1 ge 80 0000ff)(%2 ge 40 0000ff),text:Cpu Stats,display:Usage: %1[2.0f]%   Krnl: %2[2.0f]%   Queue: %3   %chart%
WMI=interval:5,color:22ccee,text:Cpu Temp,namespace:root\OpenHardwareMonitor,query:Sensor where Name="CPU Package" and SensorType="Temperature", \
  chart:line2 scale:linear max:100 series1:%Value% color1:00ff00,threshold1:1 40 909090,threshold2:1 60 ffbf00,threshold3:1 90 ff0000, \
  display:Package Temp: %Value%C   %chart%
CPUUSAGE=interval:2,color:22ccee,chart:bar2 scale:linear max:100 series1:{{%2}} threshold:90 0000FF, \
  text:Cpu Core Usage,display:Core #%1:   %2[2.0f]%   %chart%
TOPPROCESSCPU=interval:3,color:22ccee,threshold1:3 50 0000ff,display:Name: %1    PID: %2    CPU: %3[1.0f]%
PHYSICALRAM=interval:5,color:22ccee,chart:bar2 scale:linear max:100 series1:{{%3}} threshold:90 0000FF,display:%1[3.1b]B / %2[3.1b]B (%3% used)   %chart%
CMD=interval:5,hide-no-result:1,read-as-csv:1,csv-header:0,file:nvidia-smi.exe, \
  parameters:--query-gpu=utilization.gpu\,temperature.gpu\,memory.used\,\,power.draw\,power.limit\,name --format=csv\,noheader\,nounits, \
  trim:0,show-window:0,color:22ccee,chart:line2 scale:linear max:100 series1:%1 color1:00ff00,threshold1:1 40 909090,threshold2:1 60 ffbf00,threshold3:1 90 ff0000, \
  text:GPU Usage,display:Model: %7|Usage: %1%   Temp: %2C   %chart%|Memory: %3 MiB / %4 MiB   Power: %5 W / %6 W

# page 1 - system monitoring
COMMENT=interval:0,color:cccccc,font-face:Calibri Bold Italic,font-size:10,style:iw,text:System Monitoring
WMI=interval:1,color:22ccee,text:LAN Latency,namespace:root\cimv2,query:Win32_PingStatus where Address='', \
  chart:line2 scale:linear series1:%ResponseTime% color1:00ff00 threshold1:1 80 0000ff,display:Host: %Address% [%ProtocolAddress%]   Response Time: %ResponseTime%ms |%chart%
WMI=interval:5,color:22ccee,text:WAN Latency,namespace:root\cimv2,query:Win32_PingStatus where Address='', \
  chart:line2 scale:linear series1:%ResponseTime% color1:00ff00 threshold1:1 80 0000ff,display:Host: %Address% [%ProtocolAddress%]   Response Time: %ResponseTime%ms |%chart%
WMI=interval:5,color:22ccee,text:WAN Latency,namespace:root\cimv2,query:Win32_PingStatus where Address='', \
  chart:line2 scale:linear series1:%ResponseTime% color1:00ff00 threshold1:1 80 0000ff,hide-no-result:1,display:{{{Host: %Address% [%ProtocolAddress%]   Response Time: %ResponseTime%ms |%chart%}}}

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And what it looks like when it's running correctly, after a clean startup.

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Ok. Linear line charts. I'd be curious to know if that shows up when you replace a line chart with a filled chart.

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@glenn BAR2 LINEAR work, but I want the history in the chart that LINE2 LINEAR provides.

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chart:filled scale:linear   ......  

not bar chart, a filled line chart

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I have 2 separate series under the CPU STATS section. Will that work with FILLED?

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I'm testing FILLED on my Net Packets / Sec and I'll update you.

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OK, both FILLED went "poof" too. BAR2 seems to work fine.

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is there any errors in the log?

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These are all I've seen. Also, when it happens. I have to close it and re-launch it twice for it to behave.

3/19/2024 21:38:49:530 INFO          Desktop Info version
3/19/2024 21:38:49:531 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
3/19/2024 21:38:49:531 INFO          Path: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

3/20/2024 03:11:06:165 ERROR         [GetItemDataThreaded] cmd2 thread timeout

3/27/2024 18:08:24:171 INFO          Desktop Info version
3/27/2024 18:08:24:172 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
3/27/2024 18:08:24:172 INFO          Path: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

3/29/2024 03:24:48:914 ERROR         [GetItemDataThreaded] cmd2 thread timeout

3/31/2024 10:29:08:296 INFO          Desktop Info version
3/31/2024 10:29:08:296 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
3/31/2024 10:29:08:296 INFO          Path: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

4/1/2024 02:01:50:224 ERROR         [GetItemDataThreaded] cmd2 thread timeout

4/2/2024 16:43:59:068 INFO          Desktop Info version
4/2/2024 16:43:59:068 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
4/2/2024 16:43:59:068 INFO          Path: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

4/2/2024 17:47:14:783 ERROR         [Application Exception] Sender: TDesktopInfoMainForm

4/2/2024 17:59:26:027 INFO          Desktop Info version
4/2/2024 17:59:26:027 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
4/2/2024 17:59:26:027 INFO          Path: C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

4/3/2024 10:53:47:752 ERROR         [GetItemDataThreaded] cmd2 thread timeout

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@nathan_k I wonder what cmd2 is, it's not the one in the above snippet.  The exception has nothing before it which is odd. I would expect to see the actions leading up to the error.

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Well, I was going to try and post my entire config, but I got a "blocked" error. Not really sure why. Maybe the length? I've attached it instead.

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@nathan_k It's like the charts are throwing an error after returning from sleep.  I can't reproduce that here.  My work computer runs Desktop Info and it goes to sleep every night and returns without a problem.

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@glenn So to add to this oddity, I had a few other things happen. You know I love bringing you interesting ones. 🙂

1) When I woke the computer up this morning, DTI was completely hung, not updating anything, although still responsive to right-click for menu to Quit.

2) After I restarted it, and it seemed to be working fine, I decided to do a small config update, which crashed DTI when I hit Save on the .INI, and I can say I've never had it do that before. Re-launched it and unable to repeat the issue. Logs below.

## After reboot last night
4/11/2024 18:18:51:833 INFO          Desktop Info version
4/11/2024 18:18:51:833 INFO          Windows version 10.0.22631 
4/11/2024 18:18:51:833 INFO          Path: C:\Users\nkodak\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\

## Error during machines nightly backup process
4/12/2024 03:21:22:615 ERROR         [GetItemDataThreaded] cmd2 thread timeout

## Error from crash when hitting Save on .INI
4/12/2024 09:52:49:316 ERROR         [Application Exception] Sender: TDesktopInfoMainForm

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