%1 aka %operating_system% is working fine and showing Windows 11, but it starts with "Microsoft" I would prefer to use %21 aka %productname% which re...
Any update to this? I have the same results as rtruss.
You're the best. Thank you so much! I will adjust our ini for now and add it back later.
I took out everything except two test lines. I'm attaching the ini and a video of the result. I downloaded 3.24 and replaced all files.
It still displays with the code you provided. I think it's something with CONTROL. If I change those lines to COMMENT it will work properly. I was m...
I figured out what is going on. All CONTROL statements after an IF will display no matter what. If I change the exact same line to COMMENT it doesn't ...
This is what it looks like for about 10-60 seconds when I first open it. I tried to set the expire variable manually in the onload section so the IF s...
Thank you! It still displays the message about connecting to VPN for a moment, but that's not really much of an issue. Is something similar happening...
I got the hand page when using the CRAYON as well. Hopefully the zip makes it through.
It's not allowing me to upload a txt file or post the contents of it in this box. I'll try to attach screenshots of the errors.
Attached again, this time as .txt
I've done some more testing. When desktopinfo first loads it will display the lines after the IF statement and nothing else for only a second or less....
I figured it out. The documentation says to put "comp", but changing it to "comparator" fixed it. DOMAIN=interval:0,color:ffffff,set:dmn IF=value1:%d...