Aloha Glenn.
I'm running SDIO 1.71 on Windows 10 Home. I execute SDIO_x64_R721.exe and it tells me that there are 52 updated driver packs available. So, I click on the top bar and it tells me it's going to download 20 GB of data. Cool. I go eat lunch and come back and look at the progress. The top bar no longer indicates that it is 'downloading' 20Gb of data, but it is 'seeding' and it's over 40 GB. I can not figure out how to get it to stop seeding and tell me that everything has been updated.
The 'Start seeding driver packs' option is UN-checked. I don't want to seed, I just want the updates so I can use SDIO.
How do I get this working again?
Harry Z
I haven't noticed this. Does it do it every time?
@glenn Yes, it does it every time. I'll gladly run any tests you would like, just let me know.
Harry Z
I've done a quick test with no results so I'll have to spend some time on it.
What happens if you select just one or a few driver packs for download?
I tried an update with just 'Indexes', just a single driver pack, and both indexes and a single driver pack. All end up doing seeding.
Let me know what's next.
Harry Z
I still can't reproduce it here so I don't have any other ideas. Maybe copy the exe to a new directory and run it with no config.
Aloha Glenn,
I deleted my SDIO directory, downloaded from your website, extracted the files and tried again. Same issue, it acts like it's downloading all the driver packs and then goes to seeding. If I exit SDIO (click the 'X' in the upper right corner of the window) and look at the 'drivers' directory on my disk, it is empty. So I have no idea where the 21GB of driver packs was downloaded to.
FWIW, this machine just upgraded to Win 10 2004, so maybe that has something to do with it???
I appreciate your assistance!
Harry Z
Haven't tested 2004 yet. I'll do that next.
Version 1.80 / 722 seems to have fixed this. Thanx!
Harry Z
You're welcome. I'm guessing there was an issue with the libtorrent library in the previous version which I updated in this version.