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Add a space between bar charts for LOGICALDRIVES

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Hi All,

What a great utility! I've been having fun last night getting this configured perfectly for easy viewing. The last thing I can't quite work out how to do is add some space between disk drive bar charts that appear on the desktop for computers with multiple hard drives. This is my command line in the INI file.

LOGICALDRIVES=interval:5,diskio:1,font-size:100%,chart:bar max:100 series1:7 threshold:75,alarms:(%11 ge 10000000 0000f0)(%13 ge 10000000 0060f0),row-text:%1:\ %3|(%2),display:%8[1.1b]B free of %5[1.1b]B|%chart%| r: %11[1.1B]B/s\, w: %13[1.1B]B/s\, q: %17

If you look at my attached picture you will see that the writing in between each bar chart item is very bunched up, I'd like to create a little bit of separation between each item.

All help appreciated.

This topic was modified 4 months ago by Blue88ns

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Add two (or more) pipe symbols at the end of the display option.  The pipe symbol is interpreted as a line feed. Why two?  Because DTI trims one trailing pipe (for reasons) so two will give you one line of space after each disk entry.

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@glenn Awesome!


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