yes, it will rescan the dpi and set accordingly within the BEGIN-ONLOAD group
great, this was working. I did the code like this: [items] BEGIN-ONLOAD FONT-SIZE=9 width=260 MONITOR=set:dpi,hidden:1,display:%7 IF=value1:%dpi%,val...
Hello rtruss, the three IF statements are comparing number 33 with 96 each - they are not tied to a variable in this example. My issue is that the IF...
I believe the appearing of the icon in taskbar is more disturbing. And that it stays there.
This looks promising
Trying to attach the ini as a zipped file now.
Sorry, I tried to attach the *.ini file and got an >>Upload Errors: desktopinfo3.ini: Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reason...
Hi there, normal look is like in attachment in addition I share my ini file with you
Version 2.11 is displaying the info panel like normal. After replacing the exe it shows this unusual behavior
Its the language. My PC is set to German formatting of numbers and dates, when switching to US its working because of the changed dot (.) and comma (,...
Glenn, Using this code: LOGICALDRIVES=text:,interval:15,diskio:1,chart:bar2 scale:linear max:100 series1:7 threshold:80 color1:b55393 color2:%orange...