I have tried to no avail to replace Intel chipset drivers for (Intel). I have modified the 7zip file but they are not detected at all. Tried deleting all indexes to force reindexing but the program crashed. This is the files I want to replace by the way.
Path to file is: DP_Chipset_23083.7z
I have found out that SDIO always freaks out if I delete the INDEXES folder (even with unmodified driver files). Here are some logs.
Looks like it's rebuilding the indexes after you deleted them.
But why it's crashing?
seems to die on
Failed to alloc
ERROR with DP_Sounds_Realtek_23083.7z:2
Failed to alloc
ERROR with DP_Sound_Intel_23080.7z:2
with memory allocation errors. Would it survive if you removed these driver packs?