Is Windows 11 suppo...
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Is Windows 11 supported?

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I am asking this because I have little experience with w11. I have ran SDIO on a w11 laptop and it says there are no drivers available (everything is up to date) which I find weird by checking current installed drivers. Of course I double-check "newer" and "more optimal" where checked.

I will keep doing tests.

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SDIO supports Windows 11. I can't say the same for the drivers. Of course I have no control over the drivers. Others may have thoughts on this, unless I'm missing something I believe the manufacturers are yet to update their drivers to officially support Windows 11. Now we know that Windows 11 is pretty much Windows 10 with a new number and a bit of a facelift. By default SDIO looks for drivers that are compatible with the Windows version. You can tell SDIO to assume Windows 10 instead. Right click on the system information box in the top left of the display and select Windows 10. Be cautious.

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Thanks. I assume it works. It seems w11 did get all proper drivers for this Lenovo laptop though.

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Good day.

I have tested SDIO on a different w11 computer and it shows no available drivers. Standard SDI works just fine with same drivers and indexes.

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see above

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Its probably because of a separate issue on w11 where SDIO sees all available drivers as unsigned. I just raised a separate thread about it. To check, open up options and show 'Worse match' drivers. You should see available drivers labelled as 'Updated driver available (no signed)'. Oddly, SDIO also seems unable to read the signatures of drivers installed outside of their packs (e.g. via Windows Updates).

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Then I suspect there's something else going on...

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