Driver IDPCI Confli...
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Driver IDPCI Conflict - Two drivers with the Same ID ('PCICC_010802')

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I have the following installed vs. available driver conflict, as shown in the attached screenshot, for the 'AMD-RAID Bottom Device'.

I don't have this AMD device/driver installed, which is beinging confused with the SMI NVM Express Controller. Both device drivers have identification 'PCICC_010802'

Which one is correct ?

As a test, I installed the 'available' driver only to find that my system would not then boot. I recovered using system restore.

Is there anyway I can disable this specific conflict ?

Infact is this really a conflict (i.e. are IDs really correct?)

Thanks for your time.

Chris, Surrey UK.

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I noticed this one as well the other day on a newly formatted AMD system. It seemed odd to me so I didn't install it. That's why I always recommend doing a Restore Point before installing.

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