Version 3.17.0
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Version 3.17.0

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January 2025

This is one of those releases where there’s a lot of code changes for relatively small return. The reason for this chiefly comes down to the ongoing scaling issues and apparent WMI lockups. Let me know your experiences with this release in the forums.

Change 1: Much reworking of the scaling once again. Understanding how Windows does application scaling is a challenge, more so given the non-standard nature of Desktop Info. The button control seems to deal with scaling better than the hyperlink control and so I made the decision to modify the button to perform both duties and remove the old hyperlink code altogether. So now all roads lead to the BUTTON. Less code, yay! The auto-scale function is behaving better. When auto-scale is off, DTI will assume 100% scale. In other words scaling is ignored.

Change 2: When dragging between monitors of differing scaling, you’ll notice the text changes but the form won’t resize until you let go of the mouse button.

Change 3: CONTROL/CONTROL2 and HYPERLINK/HYPERLINK2 are now synonyms for BUTTON/BUTTON2 which has a number of additional options including the hyperlink option to make it behave like a hyperlink. See the BUTTON item description for details. Your current ini files should continue to function but you should change over at some point soon.

Change 4: I’ve been experiencing apparent WMI deadlocks. I believe this is a thread related race condition and so I’ve been reworking and consolidating the WMI related code to try to eliminate this.

Change 5: Added some preset user variables: %dtimode%, %width%, %center-h%, %height%, %center-v%. These are updated following a user form resize.

Change 6: Fixed the broken active option. You should just remove it from every item.

Change 7: Fixed a bug with chart row-id.

Change 8: Fixed transparent background for BOX.

Change 9: Fixed threading issue with LOGICALDRIVES, PHYSICALDRIVES and PAGEFAULTS.

Change 10: Internal timing methods heavily modified.

Change 11: Windows Server 2012 R2 is no longer supported. Thanks Delphi.

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The version inside the binary said 3.15.0.

Is it possible to correct it?

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Looks correct this end. Try to download it again.

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that's what i get, still with 3.15

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ah I see!  nice pick up 🙂  should be fixed now.

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All good for me, thanks a lot

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I used an old version of Desktopinfo 1.5, and i just dowload the new version but i have a problem.

My script doesn't work for RAM monitoring :

PHYSICALRAM=interval:3,chart:bar max:100 series1:1 color1:00ff00 series2:2 color2:bb00bb,alarms:(%1 ge 80 0000ff)(%2 ge 40 0000ff),display:Tot: %1[2.0f]%\, Krnl: %2[2.0f]%\, Q: %3

 can you explain me why please ?


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Posted by: @nico

I used an old version of Desktopinfo 1.5, and i just dowload the new version but i have a problem.

My script doesn't work for RAM monitoring :

PHYSICALRAM=interval:3,chart:bar max:100 series1:1 color1:00ff00 series2:2 color2:bb00bb,alarms:(%1 ge 80 0000ff)(%2 ge 40 0000ff),display:Tot: %1[2.0f]%\, Krnl: %2[2.0f]%\, Q: %3

 can you explain me why please ?


Looks like you have some sort of hybrid PHYSICALRAM and CPU.  Try this:


PHYSICALRAM=interval:3,chart:bar max:100 series1:3 color1:00ff00,alarms:(%3 ge 80 0000ff),display:%1[3.1b]B / %2[3.1b]B (%3% used)


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@glenn thanks a lot , there is a documentation for write script please ?

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Posted by: @nico

@glenn thanks a lot , there is a documentation for write script please ?

There's a 150 page manual and a bunch of examples in the zip file.


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Hi Glenn.  Thanks for all the hard work in this release!  Not huge issues but figured I'd post about a couple of MINOR things I noticed.


1) Not sure if it's my 125% Display Scaling in windows or what, but noticing a slight flicker with the BUTTON attribute.  I was able to capture a cell phone recording which shows what is happening.  Was also able to capture a screen recording but the timing doesn't show the speed of flicker.

2) Bottom NAV buttons seem to shrink sometimes when things redraw / a line is added to make the program longer?  Haven't entirely pinned down exactly when this happens but the stationary shot shows the difference between the two versions.


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Posted by: @ktamm0

Hi Glenn.  Thanks for all the hard work in this release!  Not huge issues but figured I'd post about a couple of MINOR things I noticed.


1) Not sure if it's my 125% Display Scaling in windows or what, but noticing a slight flicker with the BUTTON attribute.  I was able to capture a cell phone recording which shows what is happening.  Was also able to capture a screen recording but the timing doesn't show the speed of flicker.

2) Bottom NAV buttons seem to shrink sometimes when things redraw / a line is added to make the program longer?  Haven't entirely pinned down exactly when this happens but the stationary shot shows the difference between the two versions.


1. Nice recording 🙂  the flicker is obvious. It's redrawing unnecessarily. I'll check it out.

2. I notice I added scaling to the nav buttons that wasn't there in v3.16.


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@ktamm0 Can't reproduce the button flicker. Can you post the network item from your ini file.  Do you have auto-scale on?

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Currently have auto-scale set to 0.  Switched to 1 and so far looking better!

BUTTON=wide:1, align:c, color:%LightGrey%,, hyperlink:1, button-bevel:1, display:Network Connections,uri:%SystemRoot%\System32\control.exe,args:ncpa.cpl,hint:Network connections

This post was modified 1 week ago by ktamm0

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Looking better with the switch to auto-scale=1.   Thanks Glenn!

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