First of all, thanks Glenn for your work on this very useful tool. I love it.
I haven't found a similar topic, but I maybe haven't looked for the right tags.
I'm having a display problem with the url text when the scale is set to 150%.
I'm using v3.13.1.
I've just seen that there's a 3.13.2 version. I'm gonna try but I'm posting in case there's a solution.
Here's my full desktopinfo.ini file:
COMMENT=color:%white%,style:w,font-size:100%,text:INFORMATIONS SYSTEME
#DATETIME=interval:10,display:%9 %10
REGISTRY=tree:0,text:Système,key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName
NETWORKINTERFACES=interval:30,operstatus:1,iftype:6 71,row-text:%2,display:%8
LOGICALDRIVES=interval:5,diskio:0,font-size:100%,chart:bar max:100 series1:7 threshold:75,alarms:(%11 ge 10000000 0000f0)(%13 ge 10000000 0000f0)(%7 ge 90 0070f0),row-text:Drive %1: (%2)| %3,display:%6[1.0B]B / %5[1.0B]B
COMMENT=color:%white%,style:w,font-size:100%,text:POUR JOINDRE LE SERVICE INFORMATIQUE
TEXT=text:Téléphone,display:+33 (0)x xx xx xx xx
CONTROL=type:1,color:%white%,text:Suivi des tickets JIRA,display:cliquez ici,uri: removed link
CONTROL=type:1,color:%white%,text:Doc. Outils 365,display:cliquez ici,uri: removed link
The result is attached in the topic.
Is there a solution to this or not yet?
Thanks for your help
OH yeah, scale, that can be VERY picky! Due to all the different vendors and models we use it took a loooong time to build a config that would cover the 80/20 or 90/10 ratios. Check the manual for the BEGIN-ONLOAD/END-ONLOAD info. Below is what I ended up doing to cover the bases. Hope it helps.
it would appear that i too need to read the updated docs as the new 3.13.2 (I am on 3.10.2) has made some changes and now things are missing ;).
BEGIN-ONLOAD overall seems to still be working regards to scale so that is awesome.
what is not working appears to be all my control items. Like this one.
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm gonna test this right now.
So, what has changed since 3.10 to require that?
How well does it scale when using those settings?
I compared the pdf from both versions and there is no difference within the CONTROL sections of the doc to indicate this.
The code I pasted previously works perfectly on
OK, so I added a variable for width and height for my control items and still nothing. I think you have a bug with the newer version and how it processes the ONLOAD items with this 3.13 version. I can only see stuff if I 'hard code' the width and height options as some already had variables for width and still not showing up. Oddly enough the font-size, left and button color variables seem to work but not actual button sizing.
I attached a scrubbed version of the ini file from my device, if anyone wants to confirm a bug with it. I use powershell to tailor the config based on mfg and if it's a server or not.
Is hide-no-result not working either, at least for a CMD= item?
I have neither a reboot or updates but the text is still showing up, other items seem to be working but just not these 2.
# Pending Reboot
CMD=file:powershell.exe,parameters:-executionpolicy remotesigned -noprofile -file .\pending-reboot.ps1 ,interval:3600,font-size:120%,color:%Red%,font-face:Tahoma,text:Reboot Pending,no-wait:2,hide-no-result:1
So, what has changed since 3.10 to require that?
How well does it scale when using those settings?
I compared the pdf from both versions and there is no difference within the CONTROL sections of the doc to indicate this.
The code I pasted previously works perfectly on
The absolute positioning paradigm is responsible. Lots of code changes to support it, most good but sometimes unexpected side effects.
Edit: *and* extensive work to support Windows scaling. In other words there's been a metric tonne of code changes since 3.10
OK, so I added a variable for width and height for my control items and still nothing. I think you have a bug with the newer version and how it processes the ONLOAD items with this 3.13 version. I can only see stuff if I 'hard code' the width and height options as some already had variables for width and still not showing up. Oddly enough the font-size, left and button color variables seem to work but not actual button sizing.
I attached a scrubbed version of the ini file from my device, if anyone wants to confirm a bug with it. I use powershell to tailor the config based on mfg and if it's a server or not.
I found an AV when the width option references a variable.
That has always been the case, CMD always returns a result regardless of the outcome of the command itself.Is hide-no-result not working either, at least for a CMD= item?
I have neither a reboot or updates but the text is still showing up, other items seem to be working but just not these 2.
# Pending Reboot
CMD=file:powershell.exe,parameters:-executionpolicy remotesigned -noprofile -file .\pending-reboot.ps1 ,interval:3600,font-size:120%,color:%Red%,font-face:Tahoma,text:Reboot Pending,no-wait:2,hide-no-result:1
# Windows UpdatesCMD=file:powershell.exe,parameters:-executionpolicy remotesigned -noprofile -file .\windows-updates.ps1 ,interval:3600,font-size:120%,color:%Red%,font-face:Tahoma,text:Updates Pending,no-wait:2,hide-no-result:1