Welcome To My New Web Page

I nearly just deleted the whole site but enough people are still showing interest in Desktop Info and a couple of other freeware projects to encourage me to resurrect and continue maintaining them, at least for now.

So the first order of the day is a fresh new web site! Something modern, fun and easy to update. Here it is, yay!

You won’t see a lot of activity, the occasional random post but mainly critical fixes for things like Desktop Info.  Feel free to leave feedback in whatever form you can find.

If you’ve come looking for the other projects that used to live here, you’re outa luck. They are way too old and irrelevant and I prefer to quietly bury them. If you look hard enough, you’ll find them around the traps.

I am also the current keeper of Snappy Driver Installer Origin, a free and open source Windows driver installation and update tool.

Leave a comment and tell me what other things might be interesting on this site.

By the way, that photo is taken by me just outside my home town. You can see my house on the hill in the distance.

Glenn's Page