I had the same issue. I fixed it with the height parameter: CPU=interval:2,background-interval:10,chart:filled height:2 series1:1 color1:00ff00 serie...
I tried it out. But it seems thats not a practical way. As you said it took a long time to execute the command. Meanwhile the charts are frezed and it...
That was it. If i set the option you mentioned it works. Reading the manual carefully could help. I read it, but oversee this option, or didn´t bring...
trying logfile as zip...
The results after some further tests. Using Task Sheduler = same result. I can reproduce it on every restart of the DesktopInfo Process. It comes up...
Indeed curious and annyoing. I used [win] + r -> shell:startup that brings up the folder: C:Users[username]AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Men...
PS.: I tried the commented options active/inactive no change of the behaviour.