Aloha Glenn. Having some issues and I need some assistance.
Windows 10 Home 21H1, SDIO
Downloaded from your site. Placed it in a directory named 'SDIO'. I run 7Zip to extract the files to that same directory, and a SDIO_1.10.3.732 directory is created. Inside this directory is the SDIO_x64_R732.exe file. Run this, go through the prompts to download all the driver packs (23 GB), and let it run.
Come back a while later, and the SDIO program indicates that it's seeding. I did not select this option, so this is issue #1. I close SDIO at this point
Issue #2 is where the downloaded drivers end up. When I look at the SDIO_1.10.3.732 directory, there is a 'drivers' directory, but it is empty. There is a new 'update' directory that was not there before, with a 'SDIO_Update' directory underneath it, and this directory has 'drivers' and 'indexes' directories that have the updated drivers.
Kinda hard to read through that and understand, so here's a little different explanation
...SDIOSDIO_1.10.3.732drivers is empty
...SDIOSDIO_1.10.3.732updateSDIO_Updatedrivers has the 23 GB of downloaded drivers
I tried this on another machine that has never had SDIO installed on it, and get the same results.
Hopefully this makes some sense to you. Let me know if you need additional info. Will be happy to provide for you.
Harry Z
A couple of people have mentioned this but I can't reproduce it. I'm thinking of ripping out that whole automatic seeding thing cos it seems to give people problems.
Aloha Glenn. Well, I don't seem to have a problem reproducing the error. If you'd like me to run some tests and gather data for you, I'd be happy to help. Let me know.
Also, any update on the question about the directory where updated drivers end up?
Harry Z
I did a 'dir /s' command to hopefully better explain where the updated drivers end up vs. where I expect them to be. Please see the attachment. Hope this helps.
It's the same problem, because SDIO skips to auto seeding and doesn't complete the download steps, the drivers don't get moved to the correct directory.
OK. So, all the driver packs have been downloaded, correct? So I can just copy them to their 'normal' location and I'll be good to go until you resolve this. Thanx
Aloha Glenn. Not sure if this will help, but today I ran SDIO again, and it found one driverpack to be updated. I updated this one driverpack plus the Indexes. And SDIO updated exactly those two items and did not go into 'seeding' mode, and also copied the driverpack to the appropriate directory after download.
Harry Z
I had this same problem, was happy to see it wasn't "just me". Likewise, moving the files from "Updates" to "drivers" solved the problem here too (well, worked around it at least). I hadn't seen this before r732.
I've worked out what's going on and I can't figure out a nice solution so I'm just going to remove all that auto-seed code.
Mahalo for the update!