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07/09/2024 10:44 pm
Got up this morning, woke my computer up and no DTI. Restarted DTI and checked the log and found this.
9/6/2024 09:24:30:709 ERROR STACK DUMP 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DATA [ProcessData] physicaldrives Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Size: 0B Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE5|Media: <empty>|Model: Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Serial: 000000001209 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [AddDisplayLines] 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [SetUserVariables] KXG60ZNV512G NVMe TOSHIBA 512GB|Size: 512GB Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE0|Media: Fixed hard disk media|Model: KXG60ZNV512G NVMe TOSHIBA 512GB|Serial: 0000_0000_0000_0001_8CE3_8E03_001F_A0D4.|TOSHIBA MQ04ABF100 USB Device|Size: 1TB Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE2|Media: External hard disk media|Model: TOSHIBA MQ04ABF100 USB Device|Serial: 201103311016|Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Size: 128GB Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE4|Media: Removable Media|Model: Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Serial: 000000001209|Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Size: 0B Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE6|Media: <empty>|Model: Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Serial: 000000001209|WDBRPG0010BNC-WRSN|Size: 1TB Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE1|Media: Fixed hard disk media|Model: WDBRPG0010BNC-WRSN|Serial: E823_8FA6_BF53_0001_001B_448B_48A4_671E.|Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Size: 0B Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE3|Media: <empty>|Model: Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Serial: 000000001209|Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Size: 0B Status: OK|Device ID: \.\PHYSICALDRIVE5|Media: <empty>|Model: Generic MassStorageClass USB Device|Serial: 000000001209 9/6/2024 09:24:30:706 DEBUG [SetAlarms2] physicaldrives 0 9/6/2024 09:24:30:708 ERROR [SetSharedData] physicaldrives [e:EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00000000004096E6 in module 'DesktopInfo64.exe'. Write of address 0000000005B143D7] 9/6/2024 10:15:02:441 INFO Desktop Info version 9/6/2024 10:15:02:441 INFO Windows version 10.0.22631 9/6/2024 10:15:02:441 INFO Path: C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\DesktopInfo\ 9/7/2024 08:35:55:108 ERROR STACK DUMP 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [UpdateTextEntries] reg 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [UpdateTextEntries] text5 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [UpdateTextEntries] physicaldrives 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [UpdateTextEntries] nav 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 DEBUG [SetNav] 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [UpdateTextEntries] nav 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 DEBUG [GarbageCollection] 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 UI [TDesktopInfoMainForm.EndUpdate] 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 COLLECTOR [UpdateEntries] Reset collector (16597627) 9/7/2024 08:35:55:091 ERROR [Application Exception] Sender: TDesktopInfoMainForm [e:EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00000000005E3B24 in module 'DesktopInfo64.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000008]
08/09/2024 8:13 am
Thanks for the report. I found the second one this week and is fixed. The first one is new. Do you see that one often?
16/09/2024 6:48 am
yes 😀