Category «Desktop Info»

Desktop Info v3.4.0

Version 3.4.0 February 2022 Change 1: Added option to the export tool. Change 2: Added /silent argument to the preconfigure tool. Change 3: Fixed bug in auto-scale during config load (default is now off). Change 4: Strip %chart% from export.

Desktop Info v3.3.1

Version 3.3.1 December 2021 Change 1: I’ve rewritten CPUUSAGE to load the local language version of the performance counters and to be more robust. Also, it now responds correctly to a reload. Change 2: Some minor defensive code additions.

Desktop Info v3.3.0

Version 3.3.0 November 2021 Change 1: Adjusted OSBUILD2 DisplayVersion/ReleaseId to return null if neither is found. Change 2: Added onload common item option. This allows an individual item to be evaluated during configuration load and also saved to the active config in the normal way as opposed to items in the BEGIN-ONLOAD block which are …

Desktop Info v3.2.4

Version 3.2.4 October 2021 Change 1: Fixed OSBUILD2 for null expressions. Change 2: Added registry product name to OSBUILD2. Change 3: More work on scaling. Added auto-scale option. Scaling is not an option for Windows below version 10. Scaling is on by default for Windows 10 and later. It can be disabled by setting auto-scale=0. …

Desktop Info v3.2.3

Version v3.2.3 October 2021 Change 1: Fixed control right align. Change 2: REG will now return null result instead of an error string if there is an error or the requested data is not available and the error will be written to the log as a DATA entry. This allows you to use the hide-no-result …

Desktop Info v3.2.2

Version v3.2.2 September 2021 Change 1: All charts except the horizontal bar chart can now do automatic maximum values. Which is to say if you do not specify the max option, the maximum value of the chart will be determined by the highest value currently on the screen. The vertical scale will adjust itself appropriately. …

Desktop Info v3.2.1

Version v3.2.1 September 2021 Change 1: Added maxrows option to the COLLECTOR and DTI items. Change 2: Fixed not null expression on HTTPGET and NETWORKINTERFACES. Change 3: Fixed lease lifetime on NETWORKINTERFACES. Change 4: Added return values to CPU item. Change 5: Allow ini file position options to be used in /f mode. Change 6: …

Desktop Info v3.2

Version v3.2.0 September 2021 Important: Make sure to update your expressions/function calls to relocate your display format definition as outlined below. My TO DO list is nearly exhausted so the rampage will begin to slow down now. Change 1: In the process of cleaning up the data processing code, I’ve removed the display format definition …

Desktop Info v3.1

Version v3.1.0 August 2021 The major overhaul continues, nothing is safe! Still converting the code to the new tools, strings and high precision numbers and boldly going where no-one has gone for some time. If you find your context menu options have gone missing, copy and paste the [text] section from one of the sample …

Desktop Info v3 64-bit!

July 2021 I have finally migrated the project to the latest Delphi compiler. This is a leap of technology of 16 years so there’s a metric tonne of changes to make it work. The upside is we now have 64-bit and 32-bit builds with access to the latest tools and language technology. The downside is …

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